In light of Tuesday’s announcement, we’d just like to reassure everyone that we are open and we will continue to stay open.
Here are the procedures that have been put in place to ensure our workplace is COVID-Secure:
- 6 stage handwashing instructions posted at all handwashing stations in factory and office
- Posters to prompt handwashing more often and for longer than 20 seconds posted in various locations throughout the business
- Hand sanitizer provided and posted at various locations throughout the business
- Spray disinfectant cans placed in all offices, studio and direct mail production rooms to be used to disinfect telephones, doors, keyboards and in the factory where equipment has touch screens
- Face masks issued to delivery drivers with clear instructions to wear them for ALL deliveries and collections
- Regular deep clean in canteen and toilets
- Placed 2-metre social distancing pull up banners at locations within both factory and offices
- Where a 2-metre distance is not possible we have re-located office staff to different work stations.
- In the offices working side by side or back to back and in the factory assigned alternate shift patterns to enable this
- Minimised rota swaps and kept as much to calling the same personnel in as possible in order to minimise the risk of infection
- Sent staff home and deep cleaned their work area where there has been any suggestion of contact with someone else who either has or is in the process of being tested
- Managed a work from home policy for office staff where this is possible